Fresh Paint

My current studio is about a third of the size I used to have back at Building C, with absolutely no storage and just enough painting room for me and not much else. But it’s sweet being just a few steps away from our home. I found some leftover paint the other day and on a whim, decided to change from pink and use the same soothing dix blue I had used on our house doors. These french doors were “rescued” at Ballard Reuse back when we moved into our house in 2019, and replaced an old pull up carriage house door that lacked the ease and charm I now get to enjoy.

I’ve really settled into working from a home studio again. I can easily take more frequent breaks in between hours of painting, which helps me stay more closely connected to the work. I know I can quickly return and pick up where I left off, and it just feels more natural.

Now that my kids are older and demanding far less time of me these days, my obsession with painting is finally moving to full focus.These long Pacific Northwest summer days seem to stretch forever, and the studio is welcoming me to stay open at all hours too.


Why Painting Will Never Die


Morning Pages